Surfacing - The Meaning in the Story

Changing Poison to Medicine with Emily Grossman

The Mental Health Association of Westchester Season 3 Episode 42

Emily Grossman shares her powerful journey from struggling with bipolar disorder to thriving with bipolar disorder.  In addition to sharing how her greatest struggle became a springboard to her best self, her story also demonstrates the importance of instilling hope that recovery is available to all.  Her story illustrates how powerful the messages are that we receive about mental health and how these can be harmful or harnessed for good.  Emily talks about experiencing thoughts of suicide in this episode, so we want to remind all of our listeners that help is always available and that it's never the wrong time to reach out. 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Learn more about the Pathway Home program Emily discussed: Pathway Home™ – CBC (
Learn more about MHA here: