Surfacing - The Meaning in the Story
Stories are powerful. Listening to them can inspire and telling them can heal. Both contribute to the process of growth. Join us each week to hear the extraordinary stories of individuals who demonstrate the life-changing power of resilience. They demonstrate the capacity within each of us not just to survive but to thrive.
Surfacing - The Meaning in the Story
The Man Behind the Music with Jim Coyle
March 16, 2022
The Mental Health Association of Westchester
Season 3
Episode 43
Jim Coyle is the musician behind the incredible music you hear in Surfacing's intro and outro. In addition to his musical talent, he is also a dedicated employee of MHA's OnTrackNY program. He works with young adults newly experiencing symptoms of psychosis, supporting them in pursuing their educational and employment goals. His mission is to inspire hope in each individual and their family so that nobody experiences the damaging message that a mental health diagnosis means life stops moving forward. He infuses his work with music, and after listening to this episode, you'll understand how his own family's experience gave him the passion to spread hope for recovery.
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