Surfacing - The Meaning in the Story
Stories are powerful. Listening to them can inspire and telling them can heal. Both contribute to the process of growth. Join us each week to hear the extraordinary stories of individuals who demonstrate the life-changing power of resilience. They demonstrate the capacity within each of us not just to survive but to thrive.
Surfacing - The Meaning in the Story
Lifelines with Melissa Bernstein, founder of Melissa and Doug Toy Company
The Mental Health Association of Westchester
Season 2
Episode 30
Melissa Bernstein, one of the founders of the Melissa and Doug toy company, joined MHA for a community conversation in September. She agreed to let us air this as a special podcast episode so that we could share it with a wider audience. Melissa shares a heartfelt reflection on her lifelong journey with anxiety and depression, and how developing a powerful set of practices supports meaning in her life. In her book, LifeLines, Melissa shares her inspirational journey in hopes that her story will help others find their path to meaning and inner peace. It was too aligned with Surfacing’s theme to not include it here. We hope you enjoy!
To learn more about LifeLines: